Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dont Trip on Flat Surfaces

 Jackson got an early wrapped up present from the orthopedic surgeon.
Its a big heavy boot!
So with every injury in our house, I always take the ignore it and it will go away method.
Apparently, this happened while I was in the house and did not even know it.
He stopped suddenly to avoid running into Jordan.
Tom comes to me at church and says Jackson is carrying his shoe in his hand, says his foot really hurts.
Oh, yeah, it looks really swollen. (Big Toe BTW)
So I get an appt for him the next morning.
Dr. Tarrant says we need xray.  Go get xray. Wait another day for result.  Off to orthopedic.  Takes another day to get in.  Jackson has now walked on the side of his foot for 4 days.
Hey, I did better than when he was little and broke his leg.  It took 2 weeks before he got a cast on.
Boot only makes him look taller!
4 weeks

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