Saturday, August 16, 2008

Playing Putt Putt

Here we are at the end of 18 holes of championship putt putt. The Kanes treated us to one of our favorite things to do in Orlando (other than Disney World of course-by the way, the first year that I did not take the kids to any of the parks. Was kind of hard not to just go but I thought that it would be good for them to not think that going every year is an entitlement)
This course is right across the street from where the Kanes live. That is just so cool to me and leaves me always wishing that we lived by a putt putt like this. I don't know why Austin doesn't have something like this. Then again Austin has its downtown version of putt putt that has some very scary peter pan themed characters. So Austin like!

I have loved doing this since I was a little kid. My family vacationed in Myrtle Beach, SC and our trip always included Putt Putt. Their courses were so neat with usually Animal Kingdom or pirate themes.
Jackson was mad that he did not get a hole in one, Jordan tried hard but it did not surprise her that she did not get a hole in one and it did not surprise any of us that Larson got a hole in one on #18.

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