Saturday, August 16, 2008

We Made it to Hilton Head

July 6th, 2008

A very easy 5 hour drive from Orlando to Hilton Head turned into an 8 hour trip with one stop at Walmart to replace the blown tire that we had. Thanks to the gentleman who stopped to help us that said "the good Lord sent him our way".

We got to Aunt Chars and the kids were in the pool 3 minutes later!

I started to unload the car while they swam and I loaded everything into the hall way. We had not been there for 10 minutes before the dogs got a DS game and put their teeth through it and one of Jacksons Webkins. A quick lesson on how to keep our stuff picked up and out of the way!

Within the first week, Larson found his confidence in Aunt Chars pool. All eyes on Larson now because he was under the water more than out of it and he would bounce swim across the pool. It looked like he was trying to drown himself but this was Larsons idea of fun. He could totally swim across but thought it would be more fun having everyone guess if he needed help.
This is not a great picture but wanted to document all the pool happenings. Yes, Aunt Char does have a swimsuit on, yes, she always had Logan in the pool, and yes, quite often there were 2 princess Golden Retrievers swimming along. Thanks Petra and Gisele for letting us borrow your swimming pool!

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